Sunday, July 5, 2009


Anthony and I took the boys fishing this past Sunday to a little pond up by our house called "The Cove". I've been wanting to go there for awhile to see if the boys could catch their first fish. They were so excited to catch one, but I was worried they would lose interest when they realized they may have to be patient and wait awhile. We packed a lunch and snacks to keep them entertained, but we didn't have to wait too long before Logan had a big fish on his pole~ a huge catfish! We were told by others who fish that pond often that it was the biggest fish they had seen there. Logan was so proud of his catch, but disappointed that we didn't keep it-we gave it to some people fishing near us b ut not before I got a few pictures!

1 comment:

Breklyn said...

Cute fishing boys, love the hats. I haven't checked the blog in awhile, love all the summer pics. The splash pad looks awesome! Hope you're all doing well!