Monday, November 8, 2010


"Optimus Prime"

"Skate Punk Zombie"
 Halloween this year included a party and parade at school, trick-or treating in the rain, and a fun get-together with friends afterwards at our house!  This was the first year that I didn't go out with the boys, but I must admit I enjoyed passing out all the candy with Enzo and looking at all the creative and cute costumes the kids had on.   Because of the weather, the boys didn't go out for as long as they usually do, which is a good thing because I usually end up throwing most of their candy away.  Sawyer loved being Optimus Prime, and actually wore his costume daily the week prior to Halloween, so much so that I bought him a Bumblebee costume for his birthday.  Logan loves being anything scary, and I agreed to let him be a skate pumk zombie, the least scary/gory/evil costume I could find that he liked also.  We all had fun Halloween night after trick-or-treating dancing to Wii Dance with our neighbors and friends.  The "sugar" kept everyone going for hours!  

1 comment:

Scott and Jen Vincent said...

I want to see the pictures of your guys dancing to the Wii dance!!!