Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visit with G-Ma and G-Pa "K"

My mom and Stan braved the wind and snow and took a quick trip up to visit this past week. The boys were so excited to have them here! Grandpa taught Logan how to play pool, we built a gingerbread house, and we all went to Logan's Christmas program at school where we watched both Logan and Maddox perform-great job guys (preschoolers are sooo cute!). All the boys (and baby girl) got to open a pre-Christmas gift from grandma and grandpa-new pajama's that they can all wear Christmas Eve! Logan was so sad to see grandma and grandpa go that he cried half the day, and Sawyer ran to get his coat and shoes so that he could go home with them!

1 comment:

Scott and Jen Vincent said...

My pictures of the christmas program didn't turn out---can I have a copy of yours with Maddox in them? I can't believe Logan cried when they left---so sad!