Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fire in Herriman!

We came home from the cabin relaxed and ready for another week, when we see that our mountain behind our house is on fire and our neighborhood is being evacuated!   We had a few minutes to sneak into our house and I was able to grab a few belongings before heading over to my sister's house.  How do you grab a lifetime of memories in just moments?  I didn't have time to think or reflect, and was just on automatic mode, grabbing my hard drive, home videos, and clothes for the boys.  As I drove away from my house, I honestly thought it was the last time I would see it standing.  The funny thing is, I was okay with that because in my backseat I had what was most important to me, and that was my two boys!  Everything else was just "stuff" and could easily be replaced.  Fortunately, our house was saved and we were able to return home the next day.  Thank you Jen and Scott for providing us with a place to stay.   I am so blessed to have family and friends to step in and help and offer support in a time of crisis, and am so lucky to have a home to come back too!

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